“Dad, what are you doing?”
“I am blogging”.
“What’s that?”
I explain it to her and after a few minutes of such question answer session, I hide back behind that eternal answer, “You will know when you grow up”.
That closed the conversation, it always does, it always did. It is a signal, which a child learns to pick up over time. It is a part of their growing up learning.
My final answer was, in response to the question which was on the lines, what prompts me to blog?
She went away and after a few hours she must have forgotten that she had put her father in a spot over blogging.
Generations before me, were writing paper diary, or the hardcopy as we IT guys call it. My parents never had a habit of diary. They were too busy to make two ends meet. However my grand parents from mother’s side had the habit. From them I learnt that diaries are very private property and certainly not for public consumption.
“Grandma, what are you doing?”
“I am writing diary.”
“Can I read it?”
“No, you should not read someone else’ diary.”
“Why are you writing it? Has your teacher asked you to write it?”
“No. No one has asked me to write.”
“Then why do you write at all, if you do not want someone else to read it?”
“I do because it gives me pleasure.”
Wah ! What a bucket load of shit. Why anyone would want to write something when they do not want anyone else to read it, no one has asked for it and most importantly no one you know cares about it? I never liked writing essays, even when my English teacher chased me.
Obviously I was not at a liberty to voice my opinion in such language. I mumbled something and the response was,
“You will know when you grow up”.
I am forty years old, but I do not know, if I am grown up or not.
Only yesterday my yet to be five year old kid asked me to grow up. I was trying to bully him about his favorite toy bike, with an un-expected holiday at hand with Congress calling the Bangla Bandh.
It’s an amazing feeling to have your diary online, for public scrutiny. I do not know about others, but I am writing because I am beginning to enjoy it. I do not care if others care about it or not.
It allows me to express views freely, which otherwise when expressed in a gathering would have met with some eerie silence, suppressed laugh or complete indifference. It allows me to complete my side of story, without being interrupted. It is completely my world, right to entry is restricted.
Even though all that is true, one change I noticed that being online, you actually half expect that someone else will read your stuff.
You will not stop or moderate your way of writing, because others think differently. However if they give you some comment, you get a heady feeling, even when you realize that it is only indulgence.
Does this mean our generations think differently than the hardcopy generation? We love to share our innermost thoughts, generation before didn’t?
I believe that generation too wanted their write-ups to be read, or else why would my grandmother leave her diaries in places where she knew I had access to?
I really liked the following lines:
ReplyDelete"It allows me to complete my side of story, without being interrupted. It is completely my world, right to entry is restricted.
Even though all that is true, one change I noticed that being online, you actually half expect that someone else will read your stuff."
And i really identified with this:
"However if they give you some comment, you get a heady feeling, even when you realize that it is only indulgence. "
and this one brought a smile to my face:
"I believe that generation too wanted their write-ups to be read, or else why would my grandmother leave her diaries in places where she knew I had access to?"
I got two diaries, one online and the other a hard copy(as u call it). One I would like to be read by others, the other I won't show to anyone else. Let's say, even our generation does not want to share all our innermost thoughts. BTW, like this write up. Would love to read more of such written by your pen, oops, computer :)